One of the most popular uses for Z folds is the folded pocket map. Whether you’re going for a 1 row (concertina), 2 row (K fold), 3 row or 4 row (sometimes called a W fold or Multifold), folded cards make for perfect maps! Create handy, to-go maps of theme parks, tourist attractions or local wildlife reservoirs; the possibilities are endless. But how do you create the perfect pocket map? We’ve got some tips and tricks that you may find useful…
First things first, make sure you have a clear vision for your map. What is it that you are trying to convey alongside the obvious information? Are you trying to proffer a fun, kid-friendly vibe? Or perhaps you’re aiming for authority and gravitas? Whatever your vision, make sure you have a clear idea from the offset. Make sure your font, text and imagery all speak to your vision and overall design.
Depending on the size and scale of your map, you might want to consider which folded card will work best. If, for example, your map covers a large area with a lot of tourist attractions (e.g. central London) it’s best to invest in a comprehensive, larger scale Z fold. If on the other hand your map is for a small zoo or wildlife reservoir, a smaller concertina (single row) fold may do the trick.
It’s also wise to pick your fold based on the shape of your map. A concertina will offer more of a row – ideal for streets, tube lines and pub crawls. A Z fold, by contrast, will open up into a larger scale rectangle.
How to create the perfect pocket map? Make it look fantastic!
A good map isn’t just informative; it’s visually appealing. The best way to achieve this balance is to create great, eye-catching artwork which will stick out to the viewer. A lot of pocket maps include illustrations or cartoons of the significant attractions on the map itself. This allows for a user-friendly experience, as not only does it look great, it’s easier for the viewer to find what they’re looking for.
If you choose to create your own artwork you can take advantage of your handy templates. Our templates are free and downloadable, and will allow you to design directly on to a size-appropriate and print-ready format. Follow our artwork advice to make sure you correct something technically correct and ready to go.
Alternatively, if you’d like to defer to the professionals, we offer a variety of artwork design packages. Simply pick your ideal service and let our talented in-house graphic designers create the artwork for you. Your designer will send you a proof for your approval and will welcome your input, changes and edits.
A good pocket map doesn’t just give you a route and the tourist attractions. It also offers important customer facilities, like tourist information, gift shops and toilets. It’s also useful, especially if your map is for an area or event, to provide recommendations on restaurants, taxi companies and other local amenities.
This is a golden opportunity to establish sponsorship deals and glean some additional income, or offset the cost of printing and producing your map. Invite amenities, bars and restaurants to advertise in your pocket map for a sponsorship or advertising fee. Alternatively, establish a quid pro quo whereby you both advertise each other’s businesses. The restaurant, for example, could stock your maps in exchange for a promotion.
Should you need further assistance or information for how to create the perfect pocket map, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team today!